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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thanks for a great school year!

Here's the movie list I said I'd post. Be aware that not all of these movies are appropriate for all people. These aren't necessarily recommendations, just movies that came up during the school year.

Students looking for the summer work should scroll down to the next posting.

Monday, June 11, 2012

AP Psych 2012-2013 Summer Assignment

For those of you without textbooks, below are links to the readings as PDFs. You might want to consider purchasing your own textbook. You can get a used one really cheap (under $10, shipped) through Just search for "Myers Psychology, 7th edition." Here's a link to an image of the cover.

Prologue: 1 | 2
Chapter 1: 1 | 2| 3 | 4

If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact either Ms. Arabasz ( or me (

AP Psych: Situations Matter assignment (Part II)

Having finished Situations Matter, respond to the following prompts in a 3- to 4-page paper:

What myths about human behavior does Professor Sommers effectively dispel? What advice from the book might you actually follow?

After our class discussion, discuss your reaction to a classmate's question that prompted the most thought. Lastly, comment on why you enjoyed or did not enjoy the book.

You should merely have your name and your paper's title before your first paragraph. No extra returns, big margins, or any font size larger than 12. This assignment will be due via e-mail Monday, June 18th by 11:59 PM. No exceptions!

Friday, June 1, 2012

AP Psych: Situations Matter assignment (Part I)

After reading Situations Matter, your task is to create three discussion questions per chapter for us to use in a class discussion. Please use direct quotations from the text in at least one question per chapter. Use this link to help you (i.e. not simply to take from). Your questions should use higher-level thinking skills; search “Bloom’s Taxonomy” to help you determine what these skills are. I’m looking for thoughtful and original questions that relate to the kinds of situations that matter for you.

Our discussion, guided by your questions, will take place during our final class meeting. Afterwards, you will responsible for 3-4 pages of written work. I’ll let you know those writing prompts after you've read more of the book.