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Friday, February 26, 2010

AP Psych: Crossword puzzle answers

Across: 2) atherosclerosis; 7) leptin; 12) type A; 13) GAS; 15) aerobic; 17) alarm; 18) Selye; 19) exhaustion; 20) macrophage

Down: 1) type B; 3) health psychology; 4) set point; 5) stress; 6) fight or flight; 9) behavioral medicine; 10) epinephrine; 11) metabolism; 14) b lymphocytes; 16) heart disease

Thursday, February 25, 2010

AP Psych: Stress & Health Websites

You have about half a period to explore the following web sites. Don't stress out (hee-hee) if you don't get through all of the material. The first link is a long article about the benefits of stress. Then there is a quiz about resilience. I'm interested in your reaction to, so shoot me an e-mail ( about what you found interesting in these sites. I'll let you know when there are about five minutes left in the computer lab so you can start on the e-mail.

Friday, February 12, 2010

AP Psych: Homework Assignments

I hope you're enjoying your vacation. Use the following information to plan accordingly

We'll be speeding through Chapter 14 (Stress and Health) and taking a test on this short unit on Monday, March 1 (U Day) for all sections.

For the Monday after break (Tuesday for G7) read pages 531-546 and take notes.

For the following class meeting, I'm assigning to 555 (to "Modifying Illness-Related Behaviors") with notes.

Then, it's to 563 ("Obesity and Weight Control") with notes.

Then you'll finish the chapter for Friday, February 26th.

Rest up so you can keep up the good work!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Crossword Puzzle for Chapter 12

Here it is. (There's not one for Chapter 13.)