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Friday, October 16, 2009

AP Psych: Sensation & Perception Group Project

Using visual aids or diagrams, your group will be responsible for describing how one of our senses works. Then, you will demonstrate the process of sensation in a class activity or an experiment.

You will be graded using the following criteria:
*Visual Aids (creative, clear, well labeled, topical)
*Presentation (preparation, eye contact, enunciation, group cohesiveness)
*Understanding (thoroughness, knowledge of topic, clarity of explanation)
*Class Activity (illustrative of sense, relevant, interesting)

80 points (20 points per category)
15 to 20 minutes in length per group (1 ½ class meetings for all 5 senses)

G7 Red: Thurs and Fri
½ Purple: Weds & Thurs
2/1 Blue: Weds & Fri
3 Green: Weds & Thurs

Monday, October 5, 2009

AP Psych: World's Fastest Talker

Perhaps this video will help you to distinguish between Broca's and Wernicke's areas.

AP Psych: Study Guide available for purchase

If you did poorly on the previous test, or if you believe you might benefit from having additional practice, consider purchasing the Study Guide. Do a search for "ISBN 9780716752882" and you should find a used copy for relatively cheap.

AP Psych: 60 Minutes video from class

Thursday, October 1, 2009

AP Psych: My Stroke of Insight

Watch this video!

(If it doesn't work, do a YouTube search for "Ted" and "Jill Bolte Taylor.") It's under twenty minutes -- time well-spent. Immediately afterwards, write me ONE e-mail ( with your reaction to her speech. Please indicate which section of AP Psych you attend in the subject line of your e-mail. Due Tuesday, October 6 by 11:59 PM.

It should be a paragraph long; please don't write in abbreviations and watch for spelling and capitalization. (This is an e-mail to your teacher, not your BFF.) Answer the following prompt: What did Dr. Taylor's talk teach you about the brain? And close that Facebook tab!